They were born in England between the 70s and the 80s. They share the same style, musical and cultural dark tastes. Their aesthetic focuses on the colour black: Both their clothes and their makeup are black. Their favourite music styles are the Gothic rock and death rock among others. They love death and everything associated with obscurantism, but they are not a violent group. On the contrary, this tribe pleads for the tolerance and the diversity.
This tribe has recently emerged with great force, especially, among the teenagers. Usually they dress in black, with painted lips and eye. They are usually depressed and hate their life. The "emo" term comes from emotional. It born in 80s hardcore and punck music.
There are hundreds of diferent manga to choose from this means there are hundreds of characters that you can dress.
They are fans of the heavy music, this trib has its own way of dressing. They wear black T-shirts, with long hair. The former images of heavy metal followers, anti-social and dangerous drug taking addicts are now buried in the past.
New Mods
This is a large group of young people wich can be found in the nightclubs. They are middle class people with out common ideology. They love 60s and reto clothes especially tweed suits.
The punk was born in the late 70s in the UK. The punks are anarchistic group: they are against, capitalism, neoberlasim and consumerism. They share some especific music and fashion styles. they wear black clothes combined with other explosive colours as red.