miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Music Survey

Welcome to AD Radio


My name is Daniela, and he is Alejandro

Today, we have a very special program. We asked some music questions to 15 people and we are going to say the finally results

-The first question was: When do you listen to music? And the answers are:

4 People listen to music every day

2 people listen to music in the afternoon

1 person listen to music in the evening

1 person listen to music in the night

7 people answer other things

-For the question 2, Do you always listen to the same kind of music? They answered:

12 people didn't listen to the same kind of music

3 people listen to the same kind of music

When we asked: Do you buy the music you listen to?

The answers were:

11 people didn't buy the songs they listen to

3 people buy the song they listen to

1 person sometimes do it

-Other question was Do you share music with your friends?

9 people answer that they share music with friends, so 6 people answer no

- What kind of music do you prefer?

3 people prefer pop music

1 person prefer pop-rock music

1 person prefer to techno music

1 person prefer to house music

1 person prefer to dancing music

6 prefer more than one kinds pf music


6 people answered that they keep up new songs, listening to the radio

7 people answered that they keep up new songs by the Internet

And now we are going to tell the top 10 of songs that you have chose during this week...
