jueves, 16 de junio de 2011


Esta es nuestra última entrada del blog. Hemos trabajado mucho para tener todas las entradas bien hechas y a tiempo. Hemos practicado inglés durante todos nuestros trabajos anteriores y sobre todo lo hemos pasado súper bien a la hora de hacer los vídeos. Han sido muy originales y divertidos.
También ha sido muy gratificante el que yo (Alex) haya tenido la oportunidad de trabajar junto con otros 5 compañeros de Tic Tac English para el concurso de Educa-red.
Nos despedimos, esperemos que el año que viene podamos volver a seguir con este proyecto.
Saludos :)
Dana y Alex

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Music Survey

Welcome to AD Radio


My name is Daniela, and he is Alejandro

Today, we have a very special program. We asked some music questions to 15 people and we are going to say the finally results

-The first question was: When do you listen to music? And the answers are:

4 People listen to music every day

2 people listen to music in the afternoon

1 person listen to music in the evening

1 person listen to music in the night

7 people answer other things

-For the question 2, Do you always listen to the same kind of music? They answered:

12 people didn't listen to the same kind of music

3 people listen to the same kind of music

When we asked: Do you buy the music you listen to?

The answers were:

11 people didn't buy the songs they listen to

3 people buy the song they listen to

1 person sometimes do it

-Other question was Do you share music with your friends?

9 people answer that they share music with friends, so 6 people answer no

- What kind of music do you prefer?

3 people prefer pop music

1 person prefer pop-rock music

1 person prefer to techno music

1 person prefer to house music

1 person prefer to dancing music

6 prefer more than one kinds pf music


6 people answered that they keep up new songs, listening to the radio

7 people answered that they keep up new songs by the Internet

And now we are going to tell the top 10 of songs that you have chose during this week...

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Alex's Description

His name is Alejandro Encinas Rojo and he have 15 years old. He lives in Zamora and
he studied in Rio Duero. He is medium built and medium weigh. His hair is short, straight and
brown. His eyes are brown and he has a nice smile.
He listens pop and reggaetoon music.
Alejando is very nice and is a good friend.

Alex' Description

Teresa hay problemas para subir este vídeo, es mi descripción, te pasé el audio.
