martes, 20 de enero de 2009

EARTHQUAKE OF VALPARAISO (August 16, 1906) REPUBLIC OF CHILE Navy Weather forecasting: Section of the Directorate of Meteorology Maritime Territory predicted weather and seismic for 16 days this month, based on the following observations: The day will be set in conjunction with the Moon and Neptune maximum declination north of it. Because of the stars of these situations, the circunsferencia circle of Valparaiso and dangerous passes through the critical point formed with the Sun falls on the outskirts of the port.

martes, 13 de enero de 2009


I am going to read 2 books a term.
I am going to clean my bedroom.
I am going to visit Barcelona.
I am going to study very much.
I'm going to buy in sales.
I'm going to visit my grand-parents in Romania.
I'm going to study.
I'm going to read books.
I'm going to clean my room.
